Linda Edwards

Linda Edwards

Licensing: 0995681992

When we meet, you will immediately recognize that there are three things that are paramount in my life: God, Family and my career! I am a proud mother of three boys that have grown to be men of integrity and strong character. As a former figure competitor and bodybuilder, I learned the art of persistence, perseverance and consistency and as a result, I am highly driven to motivate others to pursue their personal and physical goals. I am a native of Monroe and graduated from Rayville High School. I have an extensive legal background as a paralegal and licensed Notary Public, which has taught me numerous life skills, while providing me with vast resources for my business. My strong desire to serve others, along with my principle-driven philosophy is the standard by which I strive to meet the needs of my clients, with respect, honesty and integrity. I am highly qualified and ready to assist my clients with patience and understanding as we carefully examine every aspect of their real estate needs.

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